Retirement, Fiduciary, Non-ERISA

Benchmark of Excellence: CEFEX-ASPPA Certification

National Benefit Services, LLC (NBS) is pleased to announce that we have successfully passed the CEFEX audit for the 12th consecutive year, reaffirming our commitment to excellence and integrity in the services we provide.

The CEFEX (Centre for Fiduciary Excellence) audit is a rigorous assessment that evaluates adherence to industry best practices. This certification is a testament to our commitment to maintaining the highest standards in our processes. The success of this audit is a result of the collective efforts of our dedicated team.

A recurring theme of the audit process is the identification of opportunities for improvement. We have consistently focused on continuous improvement of systems, procedures, and controls. We remain committed to upholding the highest standards of process integrity and providing our clients with the best possible service. This certification reinforces our position as a trusted partner and underscores our dedication to process integrity.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our clients for their trust and support. We look forward to continuing our journey of excellence and delivering exceptional value.