Mailing Addresses | National Benefit Services

Mailing Addresses

Mailing Addresses

NBS is a 100% remote company. 


These addresses are for United States Postal Service mail processing only.


Mailing Address


Operations and Accounting


National Benefit Services, LLC

PO Box 219494

Kansas City, MO 64121-9494


·         Checks for administrative fee invoice payments (admin fees can also be paid online by ACH or credit card here, or via ACH pulled by NBS)

·         Our W-9 address

Flexible Benefits Department (a.k.a Cafeteria Department)


National Benefit Services, LLC

PO Box 219393

Kansas City, MO 64121-9393

·         Checks for payroll and contribution funding for all flexible benefits, including FSA, HSA, DCAP, HRA, lifestyle accounts, and commuter benefits

·         Funding can also be sent via ACH, wire transfer, or NBS can pull funding via ACH

·         Checks paying claims-paid billing invoices

·         Claims paid invoice payments can also be sent via ACH, wire transfer, or NBS can pull funding via ACH

·         Participant flexible benefits claim forms and supporting documentation

·         Claims can also be submitted through our online participant portal at or by email at  

·         Participant flexible benefits account reimbursement payments 

Non-ERISA Retirement Department


National Benefit Services, LLC

PO Box 219006

Kansas City, MO 64121-9006


·         Checks for payroll contribution funding for non-ERISA retirement benefits

·         Participant distribution or transfer request authorization

·         Participant salary reduction agreements

ERISA Retirement Department

National Benefit Services, LLC

PO Box 219612

Kansas City, MO 64121-9612

·         ERISA Retirement Plan related communication

Fiduciary Services Department

National Benefit Services, LLC

PO Box 219981

Kansas City, MO 64121-7137

·         3(16) Fiduciary Services communication

COBRA Department


National Benefit Services, LLC

PO Box 219893

Kansas City, MO 64121-9893

·         COBRA-related communication other than COBRA premium payments

COBRA Premium Payments


National Benefit Services

Department 5

PO Box 981044 

Boston, MA 02298-1044 

·         COBRA premium payments

Data Services Department

National Benefit Services, LLC

PO Box 219827

Kansas City, MO 64121-9827




National Benefit Services, LLC

PO Box 219356

Kansas City, MO 64121-9356

·         Legal, HR, and corporate documents 




These addresses are for mail or packages sent via FedEx or UPS delivery.


FedEx or UPS

Operations and Accounting


National Benefit Services, LLC 


430 W 7th Street, Suite 219494 

Kansas City, MO  64105-1407 

Flexible Benefits Department (a.k.a Cafeteria Department)


National Benefit Services, LLC 

Flexible Benefits Department 

430 W 7th Street, Suite 219393 

Kansas City, MO  64105-1407 


Non-ERISA Retirement Department


National Benefit Services, LLC 

Non-ERISA Retirement 

430 W 7th Street, Suite 219006 

Kansas City, MO  64105-1407 

ERISA Retirement Department


National Benefit Services, LLC 

ERISA Retirement Department 

430 W 7th Street, Suite 219612 

Kansas City, MO  64105-1407 

Fiduciary Services Department


National Benefit Services, LLC 

Fiduciary Services Department 

430 W 7th Street, Suite 219981 

Kansas City, MO  64105-1407 

COBRA Department


National Benefit Services, LLC 

COBRA Department 

430 W 7th Street, Suite 219893 

Kansas City, MO  64105-1407 

Data Services Department


National Benefit Services, LLC 

Data Services Department 

430 W 7th Street, Suite 219827 

Kansas City, MO  64105-1407 



National Benefit Services, LLC 

430 W 7th Street, Suite 219356 

Kansas City, MO  64105-1407



Frequently Asked Questions


I mail NBS one check with funds for multiple departments. Which address do I use? 

For fastest processing, it’s best to send separate checks for funding that belongs with different departments. However, if this is not feasible for your organization, please use the following logic: 

Check for 

Address to use 

Non-ERISA retirement and Flexible Benefits contribution funding 

Non-ERISA Retirement address 

Non-ERISA retirement contribution funding and administrative fees 

Non-ERISA Retirement address 

Flexible Benefits contribution funding and administrative fees 

Flexible Benefits Department address 



My bank requires a business address when setting up a wire transfer. Which address should I use? 

You may use the address corresponding to the type of funding you are sending.